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This is a globe image symbolizing the Info-Center of commercial Swiss law firm Altenburger legal + tax with offices in Zurich, Geneva and Lugano.
Rechtsschutz gegen Anordnungen von Aufsichtsorganisationen für Finanzinstitutionen
FinIA/FinSA/MLA Training
Interview: La créativité est intrinsèquement liée à la profession d’avocat
Servizi finanziari transfrontalieri: trasformazione del mercato e opportunità per le imprese
25ème Journée Romande du Diabète
Legalcommunity Awards Switzerland 2022
Bilanz/Le Temps – Altenburger amongst the best law firms
FinIA/FinSA/MLA continuous training
Pandemia, stato d’emergenza e telelavoro: conseguenze nei rapporti fiscali italo-elvetici
Sozialversicherungsabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und dem Vereinigten Königreich
CAD 2022 - 7th Cambridge Arbitration Days
Business Law (selected corporate and tax issues in management and internal auditing)
Who's Who Legal 2022
Interview: Oltre i numeri
Interview: Die Pandemie akzentuiert die Diskussion der Gleichstellung
FinSa Training for Financial Service Providers and Client Advisors enrolled in a Swiss Register
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "La Fédération Suisse des Avocats et la Médiation -- Quo vadis?"
Altenburger Ltd legal + tax succeeds in a VAT assessment relating to intermediation of air traffic
Main aspects of posting employees to Switzerland
Team is growing!
FinIA authorization application for asset managers and trustees
FINMA Authorization application, Do's and Don'ts
Profili giuridici del wealth management
Handling your Business in China: Dealing with New Circumstances
Sebastiano Garufi Giuliani new Partner at Altenburger as of January 1, 2022.
Commentaire romand on the "Loi sur les services financiers"
Protections Against Self-Incrimination – What International Corporations Should Know
Traitement fiscal des investissements immobiliers en Italie
New Italian tax regime for retired people abroad
The ongoing reform of the Swiss inheritance law
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "A look back over the past 16 years of "P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation"
Principali applicazioni dei trust in Svizzera, in Italia e in un contesto cross-border
FinSA authorization application and registration of advisors according to FINMA
FinIA: Authorizations conditions and first experiences with FINMA authorizations
Trust: aspetti fiscali internazionali, svizzeri e italiani
Trust e strutture affini, aspetti di fiscalità internazionale
Diploma Compliance Officer - The offer of collective investments
Interview: Die Pandemielage hat der Justiz den Spiegel vorgehalten
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "Solution-focused conflict management: A paradigm change in mediation?"
Diritto del lavoro e salari minimi in Svizzera
Two Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges from the Digitalization of the Economy
Interview: Le métier d’avocat, il faut en prendre soin
Mäzenatentum im 21. Jahrhundert: Zukunftsvisionen für das Zürich der Künste
Thinker, Teacher, Traveler: Reimagining International Tax
FINMA authorization of asset managers: lessons from the first applications
And finally… back together for our annual firm outing!
Best execution - how to implement the new FinSA regulations?
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "What are the solutions to promote the use of mediation in civil disputes?"
Il trust in Svizzera: stato dell’arte e prospettive
Recht im Kulturbetrieb - Lecture at the University of Zurich
Scope of FinSA and registration of client advisers
Trust: chiarimenti dell’Agenzia delle Entrate (circolare in consultazione pubblica)
Rent owed in full even during Corona lockdown
Good things come in threes!
Practical tips for drafting arbitration agreements - ECAA event
FinSA/FinIA, advice, management, services, distribution (B2B/B2C), first FINMA authorization for asset managers and registration of advisors
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "UDPM - Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation"
Digitization and the advent of smart contracts from a debt capital markets perspective
Donazioni tra Italia e Svizzera
Wann liegt ein Interessenkonflikt vor?
Birgit Sambeth Glasner elected Chairwoman of the Swiss Bar Association for the next two years
Dos & Don’ts Zur Klage nach Art. 85a SchKG
P'tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - "Mediation is everything in my life"
Conference: Asset Management Update - FINMA authorization process: FinIA Organizational conditions and risky business models examples
UPDATE on transfer of assets to the next generation - duty to support relatives in old age
Considerazioni in tema di acquisti immobiliari in Italia da parte di persone residenti in Svizzera
Private Nutzung von Geschäftsfahrzeugen – Änderungen der Berufskostenverordnung
New minimum wage in Geneva: challenges for employers
"Three-Thirds Model" - The City of Zurich supports Zurich's Commercial Sector through Rent Contributions
Altenburger: Sempre più internazionali
Switzerland and Italy sign new agreement on the taxation of frontier workers
The Looming End of LIBOR – Fallback Protocols and Transition to Alternative Reference Rates
Die Kraft der Philanthropie
When Compliance Programs Fail: Best Practices for Investigating and Managing Potential Wrongdoing Share
ZPR! Erbrecht: Was jede Juristin und jeder Jurist wissen muss
Fraudulent transfer orders: the limits of abnormality
Il recupero di crediti in Svizzera 2a parte
The Power of Female Philanthropy: From Music to the Arts (date: 10 September 2020)
FINMA authorization for portfolio managers and trustees: how to prepare the authorization request?
GSCGI: authorisation process for asset managers (date: 18 September 2020)
New rules for equal pay analysis as of 1 July 2020
La protezione di un marchio svizzero all'estero
P’tit Déjeuner de la Médiation – Avant-projet de loi sur la médiation à Genève
La médiation successorale - mediation in the inheritance context
Autorisation FINMA des gestionnaires de fortune et des trustees: guide pratique
Conference: Manage the client investor in crypto-actives: regulatory and operational issues
P’tit Déjeuner de la Médiation - Mediation in a time of Covid 19: what’s changed, what can we do about it?
Altenburger partner of corona-legal.ch
Legge sul Tribunale federale svizzero - 1a parte
Gli accordi verticali in materia di concorrenza
Bilanz/Le Temps – Altenburger amongst the best law firms
Portfolio Managers and Trustees – FINMA Authorization – What needs to be done?
Requisiti di presenza a livello degli organi societari
Avoiding Bankruptcies as a Result of COVID-19: New Provisions on Bankruptcy Filings and Debt Moratoria
Italy introduces a tax credit in case of assignment of impaired loans
Agevolazioni per successioni aziendali
COVID-19: extension of deadlines in tax matters in Canton Ticino
Uncharted Territories in Tenancy Law
New Associate: Marius Stucki
Transfer of assets to the next generation

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