Gitti Hug

Life, art and law have one thing in common: They should be colorful.
Gitti Hug focuses on intellectual property law, specifically on the areas of copyright, media and trademark law, and is a recognized expert in the international art market. Her other passion is for charitable organizations, where she advises and manages various projects and institutions.
She regularly publishes in these fields, and is a co-author of the Copyright Act Commentary (Stämpfli Handkommentar, 2. ed. 2012) as well as the textbook and practice guide “Kulturrecht – Kulturmarkt” (DIKE 2012).
Gitti Hug
Altenburger Ltd legal + tax
Seestrasse 39, 8700 Küsnacht-Zurich
- 1998 – 2015 Member and vice-president of the Meilen district council
- Since 1994 Counsel at Altenburger
- 1985 Legal counsel and vice-president at ProLitteris (Swiss Copyright Collecting Society for Literature and Visual Arts), Zurich
- 1981 Bar admission, Zurich
- 1976 lic. oec. HSG, University of St. Gallen
Bar / Court Admission
At all Swiss courts
Special Engagements
- Since 2021 Lecturer in the Executive Master in Arts Administration (EMAA) at the University of Zurich
- Chairwoman of the Vereinigung Zürcher Kunstfreunde
- Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the Forel Klinik AG
- Co-author of the Copyright Act Commentary (Stämpfli Handkommentar, 2. ed. 2012)
- Co-author of the textbook and practice guide “Kulturrecht – Kulturmarkt” (DIKE 2012)